Dr. Francisco Javier Hidalgo Tallón, expert in chronic pain and ozone therapy.

Dr. Francisco Javier Hidalgo Tallón, expert in chronic pain and ozone therapy.








Today we would like you to learn more about the professional career of Dr. Francisco Javier Hidalgo Tallón, a doctor specialising in Stomatology, expert in Ozone Therapy and Pain Medicine, director of Clinalgia, doctor at the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Granada and director of the Chair of Ozone Therapy and Chronic Pain at the UCAM, he is one of the world authorities in the knowledge of medical ozone. A renowned researcher, he provides innumerable scientific evidences of the benefits of ozone on the body’s defences and offers a range of therapeutic possibilities that are worth investigating and applying.

Dr. Francisco Javier Hidalgo is a doctor with extensive experience in the field of chronic pain treatment and a pioneer in Spain in the scientific study of ozone applied to medical treatments for fibromyalgia and other chronic pain-related ailments.

Abbreviated CV of Dr. Francisco Javier Hidalgo Tallón

    • Degree in Medicine (University of Granada),
    • Degree in Dentistry (University of Granada),
    • Specialist in Stomatology (Complutense University of Madrid).
    • Doctor of Medicine (University of Granada, Institute of Neurosciences).
    • Postgraduate stay in implantology and periodontology at the New York College of Dentistry, at the Department of Orofacial Pain at the University of Kentucky and at the Ozone Therapy Research Centre in Havana.
    • Master’s degree in implantology, oral rehabilitation and biomaterials (Paris XV University).
    • University expert in anti-ageing medicine (University of Seville).
    • Expert in musculoskeletal ultrasound (International University of La Rioja).
    • Expert in anaesthesiology and pain therapy (CEU Cardenal Herrera University).
    • Teaching collaborator, mainly on subjects related to pain medicine, at the universities of Granada, País Vasco, CEU San Pablo, Complutense de Madrid, Juan Carlos I, Alcalá de Henares, Miguel Hernández, Valencia, Seville, Cádiz and Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III).
    • Associate researcher at the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Granada and coordinator of practices of the Master’s Degree in Basic, Applied and Pain Neurosciences.
    • Co-author of 25 articles in high-impact scientific journals. Co-director of two doctoral theses. Author of 4 book chapters.
    • President of the XXIX National Congress of the Spanish Society of Craniomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain (SEDCYDO).
    • 1st Vice-President of the Spanish Society of Ozone Therapy (SEOT).
    • Lecturer at more than 100 national and international congresses.
    • Currently working as director of two private pain units (Clinalgia).
    • Director of the Company/University Chair of ozone therapy and chronic pain at the University of San Antonio de Murcia. Coordinator of the Ozone Therapy in Pain Medicine workshop at the International Pain Forum of Menorca.

Improving the quality of life of our patients

Dr. Francisco Javier Hidalgo Tallón explains in a few words what is done in his clinics: «We apply treatments with our own medical protocols, which are simple, safe and cutting-edge, scientifically backed by the most advanced scientific advances. We rely on our own lines of research that have allowed us to assemble a team that develops unique protocols.

Our main objective is to improve people’s quality of life through the application of therapies and the implementation of changes in lifestyle habits».

«We can change the patient’s quality of life dramatically from the fourth week onwards. We slow down the evolution of many chronic processes that limit the quality of life day by day.»

«We really bring 21st CENTURY medicine, with very well tolerated treatments, with surprising effects, which will give our patients quality of life at the highest level.»


Dr. Francisco Javier Hidalgo Tallón, experto en dolor crónico y antienvejecimiento.

Dr. Francisco Javier Hidalgo Tallón, expert in chronic pain and anti-aging..

Support for fibromyalgia

Another activity that has been important to Dr. Fco. Javier Hidalgo for some time is his dedication to fibromyalgia patients.

The aim is to coordinate resources and to be a facilitator of the different projects and activities that can be planned and organised around fibromyalgia and to involve the population affected by the disease in order to support them:

¬ From the clinical point of view, facilitating the access of these patients to multidisciplinary and effective treatment plans, which might otherwise be inaccessible to a large part of them.

¬ In the social sphere, by facilitating the relationships of those affected with those entities that could be of interest to them in relation to their illness.

¬ Thirdly, to establish training-educational models of action and to disseminate the problems of these patients, helping to make the disease known and understood.

¬ And lastly, to carry out research projects that allow the development of new therapeutic alternatives, as well as a greater knowledge of the disease.

Its research and training work

Another important part is dedicated to research and training.

Training and research are important assets for Clinalgia, so that numerous training activities are carried out, led personally by Dr. Fco. Javier Hidalgo Tallón, both at the university and in the clinics, as well as continuous training.

Director de la Cátedra de Ozonoterapia y Dolor Crónico de la U.C.A.M

The UCAM and Clinalgia have created a chair in ozone therapy and chronic pain, directed by Dr. Fco. Javier Hidalgo Tallón, which will investigate ozone therapy in sports medicine, oncology, dentistry and processes related to oxidative stress.

ith this training project, monographic courses on pain are given with the aim of transmitting knowledge, generating interest in the model and obtaining official publications.

Sports Physician

Finally, Dr. Fco. Javier Hidalgo reminds us that sports medicine has a long way to go with ozone and its treatments, athletes obtain surprising benefits, as in the case of the Pérez Moreno brothers, who after injuries that were going to take them away from sport for good, have returned and beaten their own records.

«We really bring 21st CENTURY medicine, with very well tolerated treatments, with surprising effects, which will give our patients quality of life at the highest level».

For more information about Dr. Hidalgo Tallón: LinkedIn Professional Profile 



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