Testimonial Ines

Inés, Actress.

Inés is 38 years old and suffers from Behçet’s syndrome, a chronic degenerative disease of unknown cause whose symptoms include rheumatoid polyarthritis. Eight years ago, this young woman, an actress by profession, began to experience severe discomfort in her limbs. «I was only 30 years old when I could no longer hold an empty frying pan. My young children couldn’t hold my hand because I couldn’t stand the pain,» she points out as some of the alarm bells that led her to worry and seek help.

Inés visited rheumatologists and specialists of all kinds who were unable to diagnose the disease she was suffering from. «You need evidence of many symptoms to diagnose it,» she explains.  The doctors began to treat her with corticoids, which did not allow her to go about her daily life normally. «It couldn’t be me. I once had an 18-day flare-up and couldn’t walk or get out of bed,» she says. «I couldn’t even make long-term plans, because you know how you go to bed but you never know how you’re going to get up in the morning,» she says.

It was in this context that she decided to go to Clinalgia, where, based on physiotherapy, ozone therapy and a new diet free of sugars and carbohydrates, Inés recovered normality. «I have returned to work, to my normal life. Before, I couldn’t sew, or paint, or stand up for a whole concert. Now I can ride my motorbike, play the piano, play paddle tennis and, of course, plan my holidays and decide what I’m going to do next weekend», she tells us, unable to contain her joy.

Dr. Hidalgo also gave Inés resources to cope with the stress of her work as a stage director, a factor that has a huge influence on this illness and this type of pain, as she warns. «You have to be on top of everything, which is difficult if you have to direct 120 people on stage, and that takes its toll on you in the end.

To this day, Inés continues to go to Clinalgia «I’m not going to stop. I recommend it to everyone who has problems», she says emphatically. And now our protagonist no longer has to take hardly any medication. «I started with 30 corticoids a day and 1600 of Ibuprofen and now I’m only on 2.5 of the former and no anti-inflammatories», she explains. «Whenever I have a stress peak or a flare-up I call Javi», she says affectionately, referring to Dr. Javier Hidalgo.

Inés ends by telling us that in her family there have also been other experiences with Clinalgia. Her grandfather was diagnosed with lung cancer and she and her relatives decided they wanted to give him the quality of death. When you have lung cancer you get itching all over your body and a lot of bruising,» she says. «Thanks to the autohemos and the ozonised oil that Clinalgia gave him, all these discomforts disappeared and my grandfather was able to go home with peace of mind.

As we can see, there are more and more stories of people whose lives have changed thanks to Clinalgia. If you also have one of these stories with pain, don’t wait any longer and put an end to it. Because like Inés, you too can go back to the way you were before.