Sports Rehabilitation: Physical and Psychological








What factors maximise the results of sports rehabilitation?

      1. Physical factors (physical sports rehabilitation)
      2. Psychological factors (sport psychology)

Physical sports rehabilitation

To improve performance and avoid injuries, the work around the athlete must be conscientious and coordinated, working on the different variables that make up optimisation.

These variables are intensity, volume, frequency and rest.

The work on each of these variables must be timed and controlled by means of biomechanical recovery and neuromuscular re-education work sessions.

The annual work plan can be divided into several phases, different from each other, with different objectives.

This is known as periodisation, which allows training to be structured in a cyclical manner, isolating the objectives and work performance in each phase.

Bompa, in 1994, was of the opinion that «periodisation represents the division of the annual training calendar into more manageable segments, as well as ensuring a correct peak for the main competitions of the year.

The division of the training calendar allows the athlete to train in a systematic manner, improving training organisation and performance.»[1] In our view, ozone is the most effective training method for the athlete.

From our point of view, medical ozone therapy applied to sport has an enormous future.

The inoculation of controlled oxidative stress results in an antioxidant optimisation that prepares the individual for an optimal response to higher challenges.

It also reduces recovery times and allows more frequent sessions without wear and tear, which, when adjusted to the periodisation plan, will improve annual performance in competitions.

Sports Psychology

Sports psychology is aimed at achieving the maximum performance of the athlete, working to synchronise the best biomechanical state with the best emotional state.

At the moment of competition, the athlete’s confidence can make the difference between one level of success or another, but this optimum emotional state is not the result of one day, but is the consequence of a constant and conscientious work that has to be extended over months in which the work of daily motivation contributes to obtaining the best performance day by day.

Psychological support and coaching will help in the achievement of daily goals and over the course of a season, or even a race.

Persistence in achieving a goal, increased effort to reach it, self-regulation of one’s particular resources, learning from daily practice, recognising the need for help to seek and find it, adapting to cope with situations, self-harm, maladaptive coping (such as avoidance behaviours), degree of dependence on exercise, etc.

The athlete may experience different psychological and emotional states, episodes of security/insecurity that have to learn to be seen in perspective and be well channelled towards maximum stability.

The sports psychologist will also be important in the recovery periods, in which relaxation techniques and learned exercises will help a better bio-emotional recovery to face new challenges.[2]


1] Hoover DL, VanWye WR, Judge LW. Periodization and physical therapy: Bridging the gap between training and rehabilitation. Phys Ther Sport. 2016; 18: 1-20.

2] Brown DJ, Fletcher D. Effects of Psychological and Psychosocial Interventions on Sport Performance: A Meta-Analysis. Sports Med. 2017; 47: 77-99.