Lupus erythematosus is a chronic disease that affects the immune system by attacking different organs and tissues (joints, skin, lungs, brain, nervous system, among others).
It can cause inflammation in the joints resulting in limited mobility, stiffness and pain, which will extend to the muscles.
It is more frequent in women, especially in fertile age.
There are several types of lupus, in addition to systemic lupus erythematosus:
Subacute cutaneous lupus: Causes blisters after being exposed to the sun.
Symptoms of Lupus Erythematosus
Symptoms vary greatly from patient to patient. The most known and visible ones affect the skin and 90% of the patients suffer from it.
Depending on the organs affected, the symptoms may change.
Kidney involvement will cause swelling in the legs and hypertension, as urine excretion decreases.
If the central nervous system is affected, psychosis or memory loss may occur.
If the mucous membranes are affected, ulcers and erosions will appear.
A «flu-like state» is also frequent, with generalized pain, great tiredness, lack of energy and fever.
The disease is more or less limiting, according to each case, and it is common to have outbreaks in which the symptomatology is exacerbated.
Medical treatment must be supervised by a rheumatologist or other expert physician.
It is very important that these patients know their disease very well and learn to detect flare-ups.
A proper diet, a tailored exercise plan, sports optimization protocols, platelet-rich plasma or infiltrated medical ozone would complement the prescribed medication.
In addition, systemic ozone therapy to protect the organs in general and improve immunity can help limit flare-ups.
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