Ankylosing Spondylitis: Symptoms and Treatment









Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory disease that affects mostly the bones and joints at the base of the spine that become inflamed and swollen.

It can cause some of the small bones of the spine (vertebrae) to fuse together, which makes the spine less flexible and can lead to a forward stooped posture.

Its cause is unclear but it is associated with the activation of a gene, HLA-B27, following a stressful or infectious process, such as a viral disease.

Ankylosing spondylitis affects men more often than women. It is most common between the ages of 20 and 40.

Symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis

In this case, inflammation usually begins in the joints of the spine and the junction of the spine and hips (sacroiliac joints).

Later, the joints of the shoulders, neck, rib cage or feet may become inflamed.

The joints become deformed and their mobility is limited, becoming stiff.

The musculature also suffers, contracted before the inflammation and the pain, which tends to extend.


Treatment is multidisciplinary, although always supervised by a specialist.

The aim is to optimize the immune system and limit generalized inflammation.

In addition to anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, physiotherapy, an exercise plan and an appropriate diet can also help.

Medical ozone, as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, revascularizing and reoxygenating agent, can help maintain quality of life and protect organs from immunosuppressive medication.

El ozono médico, como analgésico, antiinflamatorio, revascularizante y reoxigenante, puede beneficiar a mantener la calidad de vida y proteger los órganos de la medicación inmunosupresora.



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